Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Soon, very very soon, we find out the gender of baby #2! I am so so so excited! I can't help but think its a girl because absolutely everything is different about this pregnancy. If you're reading this you know me and know I'm dying for a girl. I love my relationship with my mom and I really want to have that with my own little girl too. Plus, Jesse isn't much fun to shop with so I end up going alone. BUT we have our boy name picked out and I love it! It would be so much easier to have another boy and well Jayden could use another boy in his life. (All my friends have girls!) So we will see. I am so anxious! I can't wait to see this little ones face!

Also very exciting news.... I felt the baby move the day I turned 16 weeks. We were flying home from California and there was a lot of turbulence. The baby must have been freaking out because I felt my first Baby Flip. It felt like something did a summersault in my abdomen. Its amazing how quickly you forget what that feels like. I love it.