Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy One Month Jayden!

Dear Jayden,

Today is August 8th, 2010 and you are One Month Old! I feel like you have been a part of our lives forever. Everyone told us life would never be the same once you arrived. And they were right; it is so much better.

You change so much each day. You are healthy and happy and we love watching grow. In fact, I sit and stare at you all day long. I can’t take my eyes off of you. Your hair is turning blonder but you still have dark hair that runs down the center giving you a little mohawk. Your eyes are turning into a brighter blue. You have the sweetest eyes that love to stare back at me. I think its pretty safe to say I’m your favorite person right now. You look for me when someone else is holding you. Sometimes you cry because you just want me. I hope you always love me this much.

Just yesterday you started a growth spurt. At least this is what I attribute to you eating every hour on the hour. This made for a very sleepless night! Yet every time I saw your sweet face looking up at me from your bed my heart melted and I couldn’t wait to pick you up and cuddle you. Before yesterday you ate every 2 to 4 hours and about 2 to 3 oz. You have mastered breastfeeding and easily transition back and forth to a bottle. One of my favorite things is when you’re eating and you hold my finger in your hand. Your fingers are so tiny but they are growing fast. You still fit perfectly into your newborn clothes and diapers. I think I will cry the day you grow out of them.

Some of your favorite things are lullaby music, mirrors, and baths. You love a warm bath and love having your hair washed even more. You are so strong. Dad and I make over your little muscles every day. During tummy time you hold your head up to stare at your play mirror. You’ve recently started to coo a little. When Dad or I hear you, we stop in our tracks and make over you, trying to encourage you to “talk” a little more. In the mornings or after you eat you love to smile. Every time you smile my world stops and I want the moment to last forever. I love seeing you so happy. Sometimes I think you are starting to smile back at me but for now I love the sweet surprise of your sporadic smiles.

As much as I wish I could stop time in its tracks and keep you as a newborn, I am so excited for the life ahead of you. God has great things in store for you and I am so honored to share in them with you. Daddy and I love you so much. You should see him rush home and run to you after work. Just when I think I couldn’t love you anymore, I look at your little face and I do. I love you more. My heart grew by two little feet the day you were born. As you grow, my love grows too. Happy One Month Jayden. I love you.

Forever, Mommy


  1. So sweet, Jen! I cried reading this. I remember (and still do) feeling that same way! So happy for you guys.

    P.S. I LOVE HIS SMILE! SO cute. So, so cute.

  2. He's getting so big!! He has such a cute little face!!!

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